First, we are pleased to announce that WE ARE EXPECTING!!!! I'll wait for the shock to wear off.....but seriously, we are due August 7th 2011 with our third little gift from God. Complete and utter "bonus baby," but fabulous non the less. It was a little shocking at first, but now that tthe shock has worn off, and we have seen the precious sono pictures of our little bean, we are thrilled.
This pregnancy has been harder than the previous two - I have actually been sick with this one. Maybe that means it's a girl?!? Here's hoping to that!!
Friends, our family seriously needs your prayers. Long story short, my brother-in-law is going to an Oncologist next week for a work up to rule out lymphoma. Scary to say the least. He and my sister are an amazing little family with 4 small children. The LAST thing they or any of us need is a scary cancer coming in. But I know that our God is bigger than this. He is absolutely and magnificantly in charge of this situation, and has M & A in HIS hands. He is the Great Physician, and already knows the outcome, we just have to be patient as to hearing what that is. Never the less, they are standing in faith, praying like crazy, and braced for whatever the outcome may be. I have a peace that this will turn out to be nothing but a silly little infection of some sort, and can & will be treated swiftly. Won't you join me in praying for M & A, the doctors, nurses, and all the medical staff that they will come in contact with, that God will hand pick the people working with them and diagnosing M?
Lastly, (but not least) B has officially resigned from the church we have been at for the past 18 months. We have prayed and talked, and prayed some more, and feel that God is leading us in a different direction of ministry. Still ministry, sill pulpit minister....but just different. He had an invitation to interview for a pulpit job for a small church in our area. We prayed, and sought God's direction on what to he interviewed. Today, he got the call that next week, they would like him to come speak for two weeks, see how he fits with the congregation and vice versa. I think he is going to be a GREAT fit, but I might be a little biased!! Seriously, he is great, and I KNOW he will do fabulous and the church will LOVE him.
As far as everything else, I will try to get some pictures posted on here of the boys soon. Jack is already 15 months (I can't believe how the past year has FLOWN by!!) and Samuel is almost 3 1/2. My super cute monkeys, oh how I simply adore them!!
I pray that this new year has started off with great promises and blessings from our Father. Rest well my sweet friends!
In Him,