1. After my last post (which was eons ago) we have had so many updates on my little Jack. Long story short - after not pooping for what seemed like an eternity, we saw the GI doc. A rectal biopsy, 2 day stay in the hospital, EGD, colonoscopy, and flexible sigmoidoscopy - along with testing for Cystic Fibrosis and numerous things...we discovered the culprit to be an allergy to Dairy and Soy protiens!! AHHH!!! But, God was faithful, and blessed us to have found a doctor that was patient, and kind, and took the time to listen to me to help diagnose and figure out what was wrong with my buggy.
Needless to say, he is a pooping maching now, and is a healthy, happy 8 month old. PRAISE GOD!!
2. With B quitting his job, things have been a little tight, to say the least. I am still working my 2 weekend shifts a week, but have been blessed with the ability to pick up an extra shift during the week to help with the $$ situation. All in all, God is amazing, and is continuing to bless my family, and continues to be faithful with what He provides for us. He never ceases to amaze me with what He can do. I just have to remember that nothing is too big for God. Nothing.
On a different note, back to
................ok. Seriously....I have been praying about what my "purpose in ministry" is. And right now, I feel God tugging on my heart with the whole Life in the Fish-Bowl thing. That has been my phrase since this whole church thing began, and I truly believe that I am supposed to do something with it. (Thanks, B, for helping me see that. You are truly an amazing man, husband, and father. And sometimes, you have insight that I overlook. So, thank you. Big time!!)
I will marinade over it for a while, and pray to hear how God wants me to use my Fish Bowl. I am certain that He will show me exactly what and how He wants me to use it. And for whom it is directed. I am positive, however, it will be directed at me in soooooooooo many ways. He and I have already been chatting on that one. :)
so here's to "Life in the Fish-Bowl!"

Was blog hopping and wanted to say hi. My husband is a part time music minister and I understand about the fish bowl mentality. I am nurse so I work a lot of weekends and sometimes I feel people look down on that...I wish I could stay home and me more of a support to church but thats just not where I am at, at the moment.
I also wanted to say I'm to glad everything turned out well with your sons "poop" problem. My daughter does the same thing. except she is still nursing...she goes 2 weeks at times, I take her in next week hopefully its nothing.
I hope you don't mind another follower.
I always love another follower!! Thanks, Ashley. It is nice to have someone understand the fishbow. But I swear I am going to write a book with that title! I'm a nurse, too and actually work Friday and Sunday nights - the only days during the week that I do work, so I understand what you mean. Love the pictures on your blog, by the way!!
I just saw the your blog on B's FB page. Great to hear all the updates since I visited last July. I wanted to say my baby has a cow protein allergy. We didn't have 'back up' issues, we had the opposite! What formula did the doctor put him on? I'm so glad to hear he doing better. I know it's so difficult to deal with.
-Krista K.
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